Prepress Tips
Please submit your artwork to us electronically whenever possible.
Please read the following and then click the link at the bottom to submit your artwork.
We accept electronic art in all of the Adobe Creative Suite 6 programs, plus QuarkXPress 8. Any Freehand, PageMaker, Publisher, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Corel Draw, etc. documents will be subject to additional charges for recreation.
We prefer vector art PDF files With halftone images at 300dpi and line art at 1200dpi.
We are a complete PDF workflow utilizing Esko Automation Engine proofing and plating software.
We are digital direct to plate making film provided obsolete.
If sending native files, please stuff or zip before sending. Please contact your Love Envelopes representative if you have questions concerning how your artwork should be submitted.
Helpful Hints
Always allow 1/8″ bleed at the very least. Our envelope converting equipment has a +/- 1/16″ variance during folding.
The Love Envelopes Prepress Department is happy to help you with any of your artwork needs.