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envelope solution.

If you love the planet, you’ll love our eco-friendly envelopes

Love Envelopes is committed to helping our customers reduce their carbon footprints with a wide range of eco-friendly envelope solutions. From 100 percent recycled to SFI- and FSC- certified eco-friendly envelopes, we have the perfect sustainable envelope solution for your specific needs.

Paper envelopes aren’t going anywhere

Even in an increasingly paperless business environment, paper envelopes remain an essential business tool for getting the job done.

Despite all the gallows humor about “killing a tree” every time we print out a document or mail a bank statement, it is important to remember that paper is actually one of our planet’s few truly renewable resources. So if your company has a genuine concern for the environment, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The volume of standing trees in the U.S. forests has increased 50 percent over the last half century.
  • 4 million trees are planted in the U.S. every single day.
  • Annual U.S. timber growth is actually 36 percent higher than the annual volume of trees removed.
  • The number of forestland acres in the U.S. has essentially remained unchanged during the past century. There are still about 755 million acres.
  • Energy-wise, burning paper is not better than recycling it. In fact, paper fibers can be recycled up to a dozen times before they’re too short for papermaking. Paper recovery today has nearly doubled, thanks to the paper industry setting and achieving incremental paper recovery goals since 1990.

Reusable Envelopes and beyond

Love Envelopes can source, print and ship a variety of sustainable paper solutions such as reusable envelopes, recycled paper envelopes and more. To find out more, speak with one of our expert sales representatives. Contact Us »


Many of our business envelope solutions are made with 100% certified paper.

Love Envelopes is passionate for preserving the forests of North America and beyond. To ensure that we are good sustainability citizens, our envelopes carry a variety of chain of custody certifications. Take a moment to find out more about these eco-friendly certifications.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) 

SFI Inc. is an independent, non-profit organization responsible for maintaining, overseeing and improving a sustainable forestry certification program that is internationally recognized and is the largest single forest standard in the world. When you order one of our many SFI certified products, you can be confident you’re buying paper from certified forests or certified paper sourcing. To learn more visit

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Many of our business envelopes use FSC-certified paper. The FSC’s mission is to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. Its goal is to eliminate habitat destruction, water pollution, and the violence against people and wildlife that can accompany logging operations. FSC certified products are made from certified fibers of well-managed forests. Learn more at